Site icon Indelible Adventures


Just think of the possibilities if you decided to go with all of the opportunities placed in front of you throughout your life…

I suppose for most of us these decisions are centered around a point in time and our emotional and psychological state.

The possibilities are sometimes presented to us as a result of major life event such as the loss of a loved one, or the ending of a relationship.

Sometimes we just reach a state of maturity that lets us take that step back and begin to evaluate all that is important to us.

It allows us a moment to pause and contemplate all aspects of our lives, not least of which is understanding that life is indeed very short and that our personal happiness is paramount.

These inflection points often signal a change in mindset, which, in turn allows us to choose a different path forward.

Some of us take advantage of the possibilities, others choose not to.

Back in 2012 I was at that inflection point and made a conscious choice to move in a new direction.

My father had passed away, my marriage had ended and had become a single parent and on top of all that decided to leave a toxic work environment.  Some might say I’d reached a mid-life crisis…

Well, it was definitely a turning point in my life and opened me up to wholesale change.

I was no longer in a place of comfort, but I suppose that was the whole point.  Clearly, I needed to go through this experience so I that I could change the way I looked at life.

Since then, I have dedicated myself to living a life of yes!

Looking for the possibilities that presented themselves and going with the flow were foundational to pursuing the life I’d always wanted to live.

I think the biggest change in my mindset has been allowing myself to be okay with a life of abundance, even though I was in. a tough spot financially in that moment, I could see my life for what it was.

Growing up in poverty helped ground me to the fact that I needed to work hard, and that life wasn’t always going to be easy.

Which was a great foundation, but also limiting because I had a mindset of scarcity firmly planted in my head. This made it difficult to accept that I could become who I wanted to be in spite of where I was at that very moment.

Over time, and with the change in mindset I could only see abundance and possibility…

Here are some important ideas and practices to help you live a life of possibilities:

Remember, living a life of possibilities is a mindset and a deliberate choice. Embrace the unknown, believe in yourself, and approach life with an open heart and mind.

Until next week


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