There are some aspects of my life have been blessings in disguise, each of which has brought me to where I am today.
Let me start at the beginning shall I…
Earlier today I was watching an episode of Anthony Bourdain’s, Parts Unknown (Season 1 – episode 5) as he explored Tangier in Morocco.
The introduction, with its haunting tones for a call to pray mixed with the sound of the Ney instantly took me to a distant time and place during my many visits to the Middle East.
If I close my eyes these beautifully textured sounds transport me back to the Medina (market) and the associated sights and sounds.
Like a warm embrace they surround me in a familiar way that is difficult to explain…
I realize I’m very fortunate in that I’ve visited many countries in this region including Morocco, Turkey, Jordan, and Israel.
Bourdain then went on to quote the long-time resident of Tangier and author – William Burroughs who said “I’ve always wanted to get as far away as possible from the place that I was born, far both geographically and spiritually, to leave it far behind” …
This mix of sounds and words really converged around the life that I’ve created for myself.
Not just any life, but one full of travel, exploration and wonder.
Since I was a small boy, I’d always dreamed of exploring the world. Not just the regular tourist places but to explore the path less travelled including places rarely visited.
The inclination to travel has been a blessing.
Growing up in poverty this is a million miles from where I was born and raised…
My “itchy feet” as my mum used to call it comes honestly in that my grandfather seemed to have a similar affliction.
However, the big difference between having itchy feet at the start of the 20th century versus the 21st century is the speed and access to help satiate our ‘ne’er-do-well’ natures.
Honestly, I could think of worse afflictions.
Dreaming of travel and fulfilling it are two vastly different propositions.
As soon as I could save enough money after graduating University, I was on a plane…
Sounds and smells have always been a common trigger for me, and there is hardly a day go by where my psyche is not hijacked by either of these two senses.
It can be a simple as the sound of a Ney like in the Netflix show, or the smell of musty library…
Each smell inevitably transports me back to a distant place and time in my life.
For much of my life I’ve learned through my senses.
I always struggled when it came to studying for a test or exam in the traditional sense where I had to remember facts and figures, or and copious amounts of text and information.
Often only scrapping by after an inordinate and herculean effort of prolonged study…
Today, this is Dyslexia, but during my childhood this condition was relatively unknown.
As a visual learner, and with what I would consider better than average powers of observation I’ve been able to make my way through life quite nicely.
To be clear, what I lose in book smarts I make up for in determination, focus, perseverance and self-belief.
As a child, school was a struggle as I was always streamed into the lowest academic class and considered “dumb”.
In fact, the flip side was that I found I could pick things up very quickly by watching others (visual learner), thus synthesizing what they did and mimicking them.
This sharpened my senses around observation and soon became a fast learner.
Another blessing is that I realized that I have no fear of talking in front large audiences…
Although a common refrain from mum was that I “liked the sound of my own voice” just a little too much…
Of course, this was in the days of “kids should be seen and not heard” so I just filed it away another criticism.
One of the most common outcomes of being constantly criticised as a child is that you soon, rightly or wrongly develop a chip on your shoulder…
This chip on my shoulder has been a consistent and driving force in my life, additionally because I was also considered dumb.
Although during my childhood I always felt under attack, in retrospect these challenges have been a blessing in disguise in so many ways.
This childhood crucible taught me the art of resilience and resourcefulness which have come in handy on many occasions during my life.
I’ve also learned to embrace my senses to help guide me and utilize them in a way that enables me to be successful, whether it be through my speaking, writing, photography or consulting.
I must admit I’ve spent a lot of time searching for and finding my inner self over the course of my life. and it’s guided me to where I am today.
Sometimes this proved to be frustrating, but other times providing incredible highs, but all these moments are just part of the journey… the fabric of life.
It’s not about where you started, nor where you end but the beauty of your journey, finding contentment and learning how to be comfortable in your own skin while having fun along the way.
I will continue to embrace my senses, and live life on my terms. How about you?
All I know is that there are a lot more adventures beckoning me…
Until next week
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