Well it’s finally in the books…Sami has graduated High School!

Last Friday was rather a momentous occasion in that not only was Sam the class Valedictorian but she also won the school Mathematics prize, which I suppose is not so crazy given that she’s going to the University of Waterloo to study Math. 🙂

It was such an emotional day (I can tend to shed a tear at moments like this) and this was one of those times…

Like with Zach’s grad two years ago I couldn’t have been prouder, and will definitely go down as one the happiest days of my life. Yeah, it was that good!

To see my beautiful 18 year old daughter (okay, I’m allowed to be proud) up on stage, not only speaking to large and assemble audience (128 girls were in Sam’s graduating class plus parents, grandparents and friends of the graduates) but captivating the audience with her humour, wit and heartfelt words was an incredible moment in time.

I had so many parents come up to me afterwards and congratulate me on Sam’s speech. All I could do was gratefully accept their accolades on behalf of Sam and wholeheartedly agree that she was awesome!

She was a little nervous prior to the gradation having practised her speech a number of times, but seemingly once on stage all her nerves and fears seemed to evaporate, especially after her first joke and the audience’s warm response.

After that she seemed right at home – a natural if you will! I suppose she does come by it honestly in that both me and my ex do a lot of public speaking. So Sam has seen us prepare many times, and heard us speak so its not totally surprising that she was ready to go.

At the Parent’s graduation brunch the day before the actual ceremony, Sam won the award for “Most Likely to become Prime Minister”.

Clearly, her classmates also see her confidence and ability to relate to all those around her, whether it be one on one, small or large group she has the ability to connect.

What an incredible skill and capability to have…no question that her future looks bright no matter what.

Just in case you’d like to hear Sam’s Valedictorian speech in its entirety.

I particularly loved her inspirational quote at the end of her speech…

“A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent upon arriving, a good artist lets her intuition leads her wherever it wants, a good scientist has freed herself of concepts and keeps her mind open to what is. With this remember just because someone before you says no, it doesn’t mean that you can’t say yes. So take those chances, and make those mistakes, and trust that because of our time here we now have the foundation to overcome, to invent, to succeed, and to be extraordinary.”

It was amazing to listen to her speech and know, that as parents, even though we’ve been apart for the last eight years we did something right for both her and Zach.

Our focus has always been on the wellbeing and support of the kids, to co-parent effectively we communicated often, thus ensuring that we were continually on the same page. We’re friends and the kids know it…harmony is so important! 🙂

I do know that I am blessed to be dad to these two incredible human beings and that I could never be prouder than I am right now. 🙂

The end of August marks a new beginning for Sam as she enters the University of Waterloo to embark upon her five year co-op program. Such a thrill to watch your kids grow up and begin creating their own independent lives…

Well, as for Zach he’s about to start his third year at McGill, it’s hard to believe that he’s already halfway through his undergrad and actively planning to for his post grad… Seriously!!!

Until next week!
