Will our lives ever be the same after the Covid pandemic? Will it possible to revert to our old ways of life?

Given that we’ve been in self isolation for over a month now, the longer it goes the less likely I believe we have of going back to our lives the way they were before this all began.

It’s clear to me now how much I took my life for granted, the freedoms, the opportunities to travel and explore…

Sobering is the word I’d use to describe my new found appreciation for our old ways of life.

Interestingly, much like 9/11 we didn’t know what freedoms we had until after this life changing and horrific event changed them forever.

We’re now witnessing another of these life altering situations that will, I believe change the way we live our lives at least for the foreseeable future, possibly generations…

I know, I definitely feel less social and much less interested intermingled in busy and bustling crowds.

Funnily enough I was reading one of my old stories from 2014 when I was visiting Hong Kong, and just reading it took me back to crowded markets of Mong Kok, Kowloon and the Western Markets on Hong Kong Island…

Although I crave the thought of travel, especially to Asia and the far east, it will be a completely different story when the pandemic ends I’m sure.

And what about my beloved Italy

It’s been really hard hit, and the question is will it ever be able to return to its old ways?

The Italian people are so warm and generous, but what will change after this invisible attack on their beautiful country. Will it break their friendly spirit or diminish their warm and welcoming culture?

I’m hoping not, but I suppose it will depend on where I travel in Italy and how open they are to seeing tourists again.

Here’s where it gets tricky for me personally…

I love Italy…no if’s, and’s or but’s. That being said, they have been one of the hardest hit nations. And yes, they need tourists and travellers to help their economy, but they will also likely be in mourning.

Before the pandemic, I could, without a lot of planning just go jump on a plane without worrying or thinking too much about my personal health. I was as free as a bird so to speak…

I suppose my biggest fear, and that of any adventurous person is the long term effect. Not only of my desire to travel, but whether the economies of these countries will bounce back to a sufficient level to enable me to visit or travel in general?

I realize it’s a selfish thought, but one that I’ve been turning over in my mind for the past couple of weeks…shallow I know!

Arguably there is a long road ahead for all of the small businesses that have been shuttered for so long, let alone everyone who’s lost their jobs.

How do we inject confidence back into every economy in the world at the same time is the question?

For the most part Governments from around the world have been trying their best to take the pressure off the various segments of their societies, some more successfully than others through financial stimulus packages.

Clearly it’s going to be more, much more than just the world economies that will be impacted…

When I do venture back onto a plane and make my first visit internationally, how will I be accepted? As a foreigner and potential carrier of the pandemic or as a welcome guest?

It will be important to be mindful of how we carry ourselves when overseas, and be ready for a range of potential receptions, possibly good possibly not.

You don’t want to feel like you’re imposing, but rather helping them resume life somewhat as it was before is also important.

Timing is everything I suppose.

How about the concept of social distancing? Will this become the new norm? Is the handshake and hug a thing of the past when you meet friends? Will we avoid people on sidewalks and move to the edge of the road (okay, maybe that’s just me?) 🙂

How long it will it take to free ourselves of these new found habits?

I suppose time will tell, but it makes me sad to think that our kids and perhaps even their kids will be paying for the long tail of this pandemic for literally generations to come.

Not only monetarily…

Until next week!
