It took me a long time to realize that every day is a choice and that we have the power to choose each and every day how we live our lives.
We each choose every day how we’re going to interact, relate and live If we’re going to be frustrated, or upset or happy or sad. It’s always up to us.
Earlier in my life I blamed all of my woes on everyone and everything around me, it was always someone or something else’s fault, but never me…
I suppose you could say that I was naïve or perhaps a slower learner. However, I’d like to think that it’s better late than never – right?
It really wasn’t until I began to take time to look inwardly at who I really was that things came together for me personally.
However, by this point I felt like I’d missed a lot of opportunities for real joy and happiness in my life, as I was always too caught up in the day-to-day frustrations to “smell the roses”.
This fact was difficult to come to terms with, particularly since I was the problem.
This little epiphany was quite the slap in the face, because for many of us it’s hard to see beyond your own ego and the life in front of you at that very moment.
I discovered the key was to step back emotionally, and through a neutral lens and to see your life for what it is.
I also realized that negativity begets negativity.
No, if’s, and’s or but’s about that!
And so, to make real change I needed to rethink how I viewed and approached the world on a day-to-day basis.
I had a choice!
I decided that each morning I would reset and look for the positive energy in the world around me while at the same time endeavour to keep a neutral mindset.
Understanding that nothing was either good nor bad per see, but how I reacted to each scenario that impacted my mindset.
This helped as I approached the day-to-day moments, taking each of them on their individual merits and not automatically reacting. It was how I was reacting that was the key.
Yes, the penny had finally dropped! I had a choice to react or not react.
I was in control and could consciously choose.
Today I endeavoured to smile more, take my time, enjoy the small moments while letting the negative thoughts wash over me rather than weigh me down.
As my dad would always say, “like water off a duck’s back!”
Who would have guessed that this epiphany would have such a profound and positive impact on my life.
It only takes one person to have a positive outlook to transform the general vibe of a situation. This can then impact others around you.
This is a game changer!
Sure, enough others pick up on the positive energy and often begin to follow suit, sometimes in small ways to start, but before long you have a mini movement on your hands.
I would challenge you to try this simple technique every day for a week and see what a dose of positive energy will do to brighten you up and also those around you.
As a leader I know I set the tone, and I found this simple mindset change completely energized both me and everyone who I came in contact with, whether it be for work or play.
Mindset is the most powerful tool at your disposal because you have the ability to master it and control your actions and more importantly your reactions.
This was a topic that I often spoke to Zach and Sam about during their adolescent years and it’s carried them into adulthood.
For me personally, I am thankful for Judy, Zach, and Sam and all those near and dear to me, and especially for the incredible life I’ve been able to craft.
I find that keeping this positivity at the forefront of my mind each day helps me get started on the right foot.
Each and every day I make a conscious thought to choose positivity and love over frustration and anger.
At the heart of this is that I no longer accept or am party to negative self-talk.
I learned long ago that to change the soundtrack in your head you have to have a positive outlook and be self-supporting even when you make a mistake.
There is no question that some days are harder than others, but it’s important to endeavour to start each day with a positive mindset.
Now, that’s not to say we won’t have hurdles and speed bumps each day, but it’s how you handle these annoyances and minor frustrations that set the tone for the remainder of your day.
If you start on a positive note, then you’re halfway there…
Now that I’ve seen what the Power of Positivity can do both for me and others it’s a simple choice.
If nothing more, I hope this week’s essay provides you a moment to take pause and reflect.
Developing your self-awareness is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves.
Until next week!
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