Summer is my favourite time of the year! Perhaps it was my childhood growing up in Australia where the weather was much more temperate and the lovely hot summers, with only minimal humidity.
Not just warm or some sunny days like here in Canada, no I’m talking baking hot, in fact so hot you could fry an egg on the footpath (sidewalk for my North American friends).
One of the best things about summer was the early mornings and the sounds of the magpies warbling outside my bedroom window. Still makes me homesick to this day when I hear them… 🙂
As you’ll remember last December I was home in Australia for my first Christmas in a couple of decades with Zach and Sam. Neither are fans of the hot weather, and both are much more comfortable with cooler climes, a.k.a Spring and Fall, so to see them trying to cope with what I would have considered an average summer’s day (35C – 40C) growing up was surprising.
All I can put it down to is that we best acclimatize as children.
I suppose not so surprising is that I find the winters way too long (try at least six months of grey and frigid weather!) not to mention the lack of light! I’m still unsure, after all these years which I like least – the lack of light of the cold and frigid outside temps???
It’s the time of year that few people are out and about, so I rarely see any of my neighbours over the winter months unless they are shoveling snow to clear their driveways and footpaths. Sort of odd to live in a big city and rarely see anyone…
Can you say hibernation? I guess its part and parcel of living here in Canada. Most people’s advice was to embrace the winter by skiing and skating, and basically just getting outside to enjoy the crisp winter air…
It’s true I love to ski, but maybe I’ve become a snob in recent years and don’t get much satisfaction from the “hills” we have here in Ontario. I’d much preferring the mountains of Alberta and British Columbia to ski…who wouldn’t I suppose.
As for skating, well I’m still clearly Australian when it comes to skating…yep, you guessed it – two left feet! 🙂
So all this leads me to the conclusion that I need to live in a more temperate climate over the winter months.
So the question is where?
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love Canada! What’s not to love about my adopted home, firstly Zach and Sam are here so that goes without saying. Now bundle that with a high standard of living, safe, relatively clean and the people are welcoming and friendly. Don’t worry I’m not leaving in a hurry! 🙂
Perhaps for a few months of the year I could be here less frequently. Not a bad place to begin I suppose…
The bigger question is where?
Clearly there are lots of options – Italy (although the winters can be cold as well, so unless I’m in Sicily or the deep south of Italy then this may not be an ideal option either…bugger!
Australia is another, but it’s a long way from Canada, although anywhere warm for the most part is relatively speaking.
I just can’t see myself going to Florida, or to the United States in the short term. Realistically, it would be the best option, Southern California would be fantastic (cos I love the ocean), maybe even Arizona, but I can’t support the current leadership of that country and all the turmoil that its going through so I’m going to have to keep looking for a warmer climes elsewhere.
I suppose South America is an option. I’ve always wanted to explore Chile, especially Santiago and Valparaiso, and given that it’s in the southern hemisphere might just be the best possible option. Definitely having the Pacific ocean on my doorstep would be a huge bonus!
Chile is always below the radar in terms of a travel destination, not sure why that is, and yes, it’s already on my list!
Maybe Argentina or Brazil, although the crime rate is reportedly high in both of these countries, which makes them far less attractive as options to spend extended amounts of time.
One of my big hesitations with South America is my lack of Spanish…
Although my lack of Italian hasn’t stopped me from loving Italy! So perhaps there’s hope for me yet. 🙂
Plus it would only be for two or three months per year so not the end of the world.
It’s only another six weeks and Zach and Sam will be heading to University and for the first time in almost two decades I won’t have them in my life day to day. Yes, I realize that they’re only a phone call away but for those that have gone through this process you’ll know what I mean.
I’m happy for them as they begin and continue the next chapter of their lives, but there will be a real sense of loss on my side, as crazy as that sounds. I know that they’ll always be there, but just not in the same way.
I’m sure I’ll adjust but I think it could be a tough transition…mostly for me! 🙂
Until next week
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