These past two weekends have been marked by University drop off’s. Two weeks ago it was my son Zach turn as I drove him to Montréal so that he can begin his third year of University at McGill, and then this past weekend my daughter Sami to begin her first year at Waterloo to study Mathematics and statistics.

Two different trips in that Zach was excited to get to his friends and school, whereas Sam was excited but mostly nervous about moving into her residence and making new friends.

The trip to Montréal is always a road trip (5+ hours) which always has us leaving early in the morning to make it there by lunchtime.

I could tell Zach was already feeling a little homesick during our journey, and said that even though he loved school and Montréal that he’d miss me…


I don’t care what you say, any parent who hears these words from their kids literally melts with love, and I’m definitely no different!

As for Sam, this past weekend was her exciting move into her new residence. It saw us set out with two SUV’s packed with clothes and assorted items. Again, another early morning start, but this time with breakfast at a diner close to campus prior to moving into her new dorm.

So there was one car with my ex, Sam and her best friend – Daniella (who by the way is headed to the University of Edinburgh next week to begin her five year Veterinarian program), and me in the other.

Fortunately Waterloo is only an hour and change from Toronto so not too onerous a drive.

Actually what I found upon arriving at her well organized residence was that most of the other first years had so much more with them in terms of clothes and furniture for their dorm rooms… Seriously all dorm rooms are small, so I’m not sure where all other furniture was going to fit. Especially the beer fridges??? 🙂

It’s truly been an exciting couple of weeks for them to be sure!

I realize that this is the normal progression of life, but it feels like yesterday that I was holding them in my arms as newborns. I have such strong memories of them as babies still etched clearly into my mind, that it’s hard not to think about those times at a moment like this.

I still remember giving each of them a bottle at midnight, curled sweetly in the crook of my arm and watching me intently as I cooed them to sleep.

A wonderful memory of Zach is that from the time he turned six months, my ex had decided to go back to work, but was then promptly posted to Chicago on a work assignment for a year on a Monday to Friday schedule, so I had the great fortune to be with him in this extraordinary and formative time in his life – his first steps, his first words…

We managed just fine mainly because we had such an incredible nanny (yes, only one during the entire lives of my kids) who would come in the mornings at 7:00 am and I’d be home around 5:30 pm. This worked out beautifully and I got to spend quality time with Zach during this period.

In fact, we had ritual that started during this time until he was about six years old, in that every Wednesday night the two of us (and then when Sam came along the three of us) would go to a local hamburger joint (Lick’s) which wasn’t too far from home.

They’d sit in the high chair provided and each have a hot dog, which I would cut up into super small pieces plus some french fries that they would gnaw on over dinner… Such treasured memories! 🙂

I feel so lucky that I had these unique opportunities.

Then after my ex and I split the three of us got to travel the world during my time with them, these opportunities exposed them to new cultures, countries and cities and, and in my mind was the best classroom ever, both for their confidence and knowledge of the world around them.

They’re now so well traveled that nothing seems to phase them when we hit the road, each of them learning to read a map, and figure out how to get around irrespective of country or language at an early age was been a great confidence builder.

One of the greatest compliments Zach could have given to me was when he said to his roommate and I over dinner that “I always tell people that mum is good at her job, and that you’re good at life.”

You know how to live…experiencing new things and doing the things that you love to do.

Seriously he couldn’t of given me a greater compliment!

I hope I that I will continue to be a role model for them both in the coming years and that the solid foundation that they have will enable them to continue to be the incredible human beings that they are. I really do know how lucky I am. 🙂

Until next week
