Since my decision to move back to Australia it’s been a flurry of activity and preparations in and around the house.
Lists to write, for both here to do before I leave but also to plan for and execute when I arrive in Australia.
As you can imagine none of it easy in a time of Covid.
Sorting and identifying items I’m going to take with me and things I’m going to sell has been an interesting exercise…
Being the sentimentalist that I am its been quite difficult to part with “stuff” that I’ve kept over the years. Many with memories attached.
Unfortunately its just not practical or possible to just bring everything so last week I began with a garage sale.
I was surprised at the number of people who showed up and what they purchased, but happy that I had been able to find homes for lots of the items for sale.
It was always going to be just the start of my “purge” with this week a focus on the furniture.
Happily I can say that it’s all been sold.
I know right…. I hadn’t realized that there was such a strong market for second hand household furniture.
It totally makes sense, if you can acquire something at a fraction of the cost why not? It certainly opened my eyes to the possible when I move. 🙂
As you can imagine the house is upside down at the moment with boxes everywhere.
My plan is to have the shipping company pick up in early November.
Which means that I still have a couple of weeks of mess, but well worth it.
It’s quite strange to see the kids bedrooms completely empty and devoid of any items. There’s even an echo….
Admittedly there have been moments that have brought a lump to my throat as I’ve began purging and packing. So many great memories from the house on Strathmore.
It’s been a wonderful place to raise the kids. I know all three of us have warm and happy memories from our home here.
I’ll always cherish these, and definitely looking to create lots of new ones in our place in Queensland.
I’ve decided to wait before I buy. I need to feel the vibe of the place before I make any hard and fast decisions on our future home.
It would be so easy for me to buy remotely as there are quite a number of incredible houses in my price range and in the neighbourhoods that I’m interested in.
That being said it’s difficult to contemplate buying without touring and “feeling” the options.
That might sound crazy to you, but I’ve always gone with my gut but first I have to experience them, look behind the nooks and crannies to make sure it’s what I’m looking for.
I have a wish list…. 🙂
Firstly, it has to have a salt water pool. Given that the weather is spectacular in this part of the world, I’d like to wake up and have a swim to start my day. Even if it’s just a plunge to get the blood flowing!
Second, I’d like a chef’s kitchen. As you know if you’ve been following along, you know how much I love to cook.
My kitchen would have a gas range accompanied by a Butler’s pantry for all of my cooking accoutrements! 🙂
I’d like a master bedroom with ensuite and large walk-in robe…
The accompanying bedrooms need to be all large enough for at least a queen sized bed plus storage and robes. Great for the kids and guests alike!
Next is the alfresco entertaining area. Ideally, I’d like a permanent BBQ/grill to be adjacent to the entertaining area, near the pool.
Access to this space from the kitchen will be via an open concept space that has concertina doors that double your outdoor-indoor living space.
Finally, a lush tropical garden festooned with palms of all sizes and varieties. This will be where I will carve out a quiet meditation/yoga space for myself.
Clearly, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about this move. 🙂
Sam and I are doing the interior design. Well, actually she is doing the design and I’m providing the financial backing. Lol!!!
It will give her some practical experience with interior design, as I know deep down she still harbours a love of architecture and design.
In my minds eye I’m also close to the ocean so I can walk to the beach at my leisure.
As you can see I know exactly the sort of lifestyle I want to have when we move to Queensland.
The wheels are well and truly in motion, so now’s really just a matter of time.
Until next week
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