No matter how much we think we have everything under control nothing is guaranteed in life. So, the question is how comfortable are you with uncertainty?
It’s a question I’ve been asked many times over the course of my life and one that I embrace fully. If you’re like me, you’re not totally surprised with things go awry…
Clearly, we sometimes create our own form of chaos which opens us up to all types of change in our lives, but as humans we want to be in control.
A great example is when I decided, in the middle of the pandemic to sell my house in Canada and move back to Australia.
We had a perfectly good pandemic underway, for which I could have just stayed put and not opened all the incredible amount of change that I underwent over the next two years.
Yes, change also often has a long tail… with many far-reaching implications.
We seemingly strive for control at every point in our life, however in reality we have minimal control outside our personal actions.
Sometimes, for inextricable reasons we create our own chaos by choosing a path full of uncertainty.
Perhaps my choice to move back to Australia had more to do with me exerting my control, versus accepting my life during the pandemic.
Although I absolutely love my adopted country for which I lived more than half my life in, I decided on a more temperate climate and chose to uproot my life and head half way round the world seeking it.
This is just one of the many times in my life where I’ve chosen uncertainty over stability.
I realize that not everyone is okay with uncertainty and change, whether it’s self-inflicted (like mine) variety or the stuff that pops up in our daily lives.
Irrespective of how or in what form change comes to us we all have to deal with it one way or another.
Clearly, I seem to live on the edge of uncertainty which for many is a very uncomfortable place to be.
Facing change and uncertainty takes courage and resilience but also allows us to be more creative and innovative in our thinking and mindset.
Whereas having control, or the illusion of control lowers our stress levels but the down side is that we often become rigid in our thinking which ultimately gives us fewer options and builds a resistance to change.
So where do you sit on this continuum?
Finding balance in our lives is important so that we’re not stressed out all the time, but also that we are not stuck in our ways of looking at and dealing with aspects of our life that are variable in nature.
Developing this flexible mindset is the key to living a life where you can go with the flow and adapt but also feel as though you have some modicum of control.
Life is all about balance…
I suppose one of the things I love about uncertainty is the endless and potentially open possibilities that change could bring with it.
We often feel that change is a negative in our lives, but this isn’t always the case.
I’ve always enjoyed a healthy amount of change, particularly the kind that I can choose. However, the majority of the change inflicted upon us in our lives is often not at our choosing.
The loss of a job, or a failed marriage, or perhaps a financial blow that was unexpected.
We can only adapt, flex and take the path presented to us.
As I said, one of the things I love about change is the unexpected paths and new opportunities presented to us.
This is coupled with being able to use my creativity and innovative thinking to chart my new course and flex my mindset.
We also need to take this change and uncertainty onboard, as it may be life altering.
I find it helpful to meditate, breathe, and ultimately let go of my existing mindset.
Once I’m able to digest and accept the change and uncertainty I can move on and embrace it.
Now, this isn’t always an instantaneous thing.
Just ask my wife Judy…
I’ve been known to mull over situations for days and in some cases weeks, but I have to remind myself to revert back to my practices that have been steady and reliable companions over the course of my life when faced with change or uncertainty.
Mindset is your friend!
Perhaps consider the following when faced with change or uncertainty:
- Step back mentally and impartially from any situation and observe it from all angles.
- Identify and articulate the facts.
- Take away your emotions from the situation.
- Define the options available to you. For this you need to be open to all ideas and potential opportunities.
- Choose a path forward, as painful as it may be to you.
- Commit yourself fully to your new mindset with regard to this specific situation or outcome.
Remember, in life there are no do-overs.
You get one opportunity to live your best life and your ability to embrace all aspects – good or bad will determine your level of contentment and happiness.
Food for thought…
Until next week.
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